( The Mastiqca )

In the mysterious region where the Taizong Steppes meet the vast untamed forests of Old Koshva to the west, many Faerie creatures make their homes. These wild woodlands weave in and out of the Spirit Realm; here mortal blood often mixes with strange beings from the other side of the Veil. Ephemeral spirits who wish to walk the material plane may merge their forms with those of humans or beasts, becoming something else entirely. 

The communities living on the edges of these territories both fear and respect these spirit folk -- for while some of these beings are benevolent and kind to those who honour the ways of the wood, there are also others who prey upon men. 


The Mastiqca are a spirit folk who resemble humanoid rabbits and hares. They probably originated in the Faerie realm, but now can be found roaming the wild fringes of the material plane. Sometimes they live in nomadic clan groups, but they are also encountered as far-ranging solitary hunters, following in the footsteps of Manstin, the mythological forefather of their kind, the first to range over the Veil between worlds. 

They are a lesser form of faerie creature, anchored to the material world by their connection to nature. Although after thousands of years their magical powers have waned, the Mastiqca still mix freely with other Faere creatures. 


Manstin is a neutral-good supernatural being credited with bringing Rabbitfolk to Duatha (earth) from the Fae world. He is not a creator figure, but the equivalent of a folk hero elevated to semi-divine status: 

Manstin the Hunter was a trickster figure, both a creator and destroyer, one who would fool others, and get fooled in return. He wanted for nothing, but was at the mercy of his desires. He possessed no moral qualities, but was responsible for both the good and the bad that occurred around him. Constantly on the move, he crossed animal, human, and spiritual realms in his search for adventures, swindling others, killing monsters, taking whatever he wanted, and helping others according to his whims.