(  a k a   B o g i e   B e a r s ,   G o b l i n   B e a r s  )


Bugbears were among the many supernatural Faerie beasts created to serve the Unseelie Court in the age of the Goblin Kings. Charged with guarding the borders of Unseelie domains, these monsters are most at home in the deep woods under cover of night. Serving as sentries and trackers, they combine the fearsome natural traits of normal bears with dark Fae glamour and a malicious cunning.

Today, they are fewer in number, but many still prowl their ancient territories. Where human settlements have pressed into old Faerie forests, tales of shaggy monsters and goblin-bears may be used to frighten children or to explain why people go missing in the woods after dark. Holding such communities in the grip of fear fills a Bugbear with fiendish satisfaction.

However, for these loathesome predators, humans are merely sport and food. The true enemies of Bugbears are those members of the Fading Folk who they were created to hunt; Dwarves, Gnomes, Seelie Faeries, Duathan, and especially Elves. A Bugbear will generally attack Elves in preference to other prey.


Bugbears appear as shadowy, medium-sized bears with matted fur and eyes that gleam with a ghostly light. They move about as freely on two legs as on four, and their forepaws have opposeable digits. They will occasionally use tools or weapons, though their teeth and claws usually serve them well enough. Some Bugbears have arcane markings painted or burned into their fur, and many will wear assorted mystic talismans, trinkets, and pouches around their bodies.


Born by grafting evil spirits to the forms of natural bears, Bugbears have the ability to step through the Veil into the Spirit World. This allows them to become effectively invisible and intangible to normal eyes. The warping of time and space through the Spirit World also allows them to teleport short distances, making it all the more easy for them to stalk, torment, and surprise their prey.

Bugbears can literally smell fear - this emotion produces a euphoric psychic aroma that will attract them even over large areas. It is for this reason that they take such cruel delight in toying with their victims, drinking in their terror over time before finally devouring them.

Bugbears are also crafty weavers of illusions. They speak many languages, and can project a mental image of another creature around themselves to fool their prey. Although they may appear as human (or as other races) they are not true shapeshifters. This disguise is but a trick of the mind, and behind the illusion they retain their bearish physical form.

In addition to their innate plane-shifting and illusion powers, Bugbears have an affinity for certain forms of magic, and may also become dark druids or fae warlocks.


Bugbears are mostly nocturnal. Like many Unseelie Faeries, they have an aversion to sunlight, and prefer to hide in caves or in the Spirit World during the daylight hours. While their physical form is not directly harmed by the sun, their powers are greatly diminished, and they find it difficult to shift planes or cast spells.

If encountered under daylight, a Bugbear may appear as a smaller mundane bear, perhaps even as an injured animal or a pathetic cub. When night falls again, they will regain their full strength and fearsome aspect.